Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Optimism Update!

So, remember how I warned you all that I would forget that I had a blog? Yeah, that totally happened. But it's not because I don't love all of you that read this! (a.k.a. the only two people that I know that also have blogs. You know who you are.)
On a random side note, am I the only that gets annoyed that it's pretty much impossible to put a smiley face in a parentheses because it would just look confusing? (I seem to have that problem pretty often. :)) See what I mean?! It's frustrating!
Anywho, so the whole optimism thing only lasted like a day. Apparently when I try to be optimistic, I just come across as a crazed, delusional lunatic. But have no fear because it still led to something good! An epiphany of sorts! So basically, I was just trying to be positive about things in my life that were bothering me because I thought it would make me have a better attitude on life. In reality, I was just talking in a higher-pitched tone of voice about the things that were bothering me with a smile on my face.

Yeeeeaaah. It was pretty creepy. (But look! I know how to add pictures now! Yay! smiley face.)

So needless to say, I realized that method was not working out for me. That's when I realized something that I already knew but was too lazy to admit! Instead of pretending to be happy about stuff that was bothering me, I should go out there and do something about it! Even though it's so much comfier to just lie in bed all day and moan. 

The first thing I did after realizing this was to set up an online dating profile! A couple of cute pics, a winky face or two, and some interesting facts about myself, and I was set! After receiving a few responses, my next step was to go see a therapist because dating is scary! 

That led to epiphany number two! Just because something is scary, doesn't mean it's bad. Unless it's spiders. They are very, very bad. Seriously. They all need to die. I'm starting to hyperventilate just thinking about them. Anyone have a brown paper bag? 

But you get my point. I used to ignore any guy that tried to flirt with me because being single is so much safer. But it can also get lonely after awhile. So, I put on my big girl shoes, which just so happen to be some adorable new wedges from Target, and started up a conversation with a very sweet guy. We have now gone to talking on the phone, and he's still a sweet guy so that's a good sign. Am I still freaking out? Absolutely! But am I going to run away? Not this time! My advice to any other completely normal people out there like me that don't know the first thing about dating is to surround yourself with a support group that does and will help make sure that you keep moving forward. I had to learn, though, that I can't make myself date people just because all of my friends are dating or because I'm getting old. I waited until I was absolutely sure that this was something I wanted for myself before putting myself through all the anxiety and nervousness of the dating world. Sometimes things are scary and you have to force yourself to move forward no matter what, but only if you are sure that that is something that you want in life. Otherwise, what's the point of putting yourself through all the stress? For example, I am terrified of rollercoasters and I don't plan on going on one any time in the future. I could care less if I ever ride a rollercoaster, so I am not going to bother. 

Okay, so I'm pretty sure when I started this post that I wasn't planning on writing about my dating life. Whoops! Congrats to all of you that made it this far! I guess that's the exciting part about starting a blog with no idea what you are going to write about! Anything could happen! 

Mwa ha ha! Tune in next time if you're curious to see what other embarrassing personal things I might admit about myself! 

Till then, keep rockin'!
That sounded lame. How about, stay golden! 
Nope, that's not it either. I'll figure it out and get back to you. Ciao!

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